Entri-entri Ndak Terlalu Penting, LOL
#1: Iseng bersama Mas GugelTindakan 1: masukin nama si Jati ama Bhass
Hasil: Bhass punya blog yang udah gak diapdet dari jaman baheula keneh, Jati namanya pernah kesebut di kaskus. Hmm, not bad.
Tindakan 2: masukin nama temen SMA yang dulu sering juara festival
Hasil: Gessy dan Hijrah Faisal ternyata pensiunan Idol dan penyanyi yang lumayan terkenal di Kalsel. Keknya bentar lagi Kalsel punya idol-idol nasional lain selain Ian Kasela :D
Tindakan 3: masukin nama beberapa temen SMP
Hasil: Yang ketemu cuma satu (Suri), dan... kok fotonya lain keneh ^^;;
Tindakan 4: masukin nama mami
Hasil: Ternyata ada anak SMP di Boyolali yang namanya persis nama mami, LOL ^^
Kesimpulan: Ternyata kejadian "semua data tersedia di internet" belum terjadi di Indonesia. Oh well...
#2: Ramalan Bin(a)tang
Yang jelas lebih menguntungkan daripada "ketik reg spasi weton kirim ke blablablabla"... get your own there.
You are Brown Tiger, who will not bargain about your love affair, or suck up to your boss.
So your words carry a lot of weight.
And your attitude is at ease any where you are, and this creates feeling of security to others.
You are not a shy person, and can clearly state your own opinion to anyone.
This powerful conversational skill tends to be attractive to others.
You also listen to the other person carefully, and can adapt flexibly to situations, by correctly grasping their points.
You dislike getting in unnecessary conflict.
But you possess a strength to not withdraw when the need arise.
If you get too confident over your ability, people may think you pretentious.
You may look as though you are contemptuous to others.
You are quick thinker; you can make quick decisions, and is a person of action.
When the time comes for the need to stand up and act, you will.
You have a face of a theorist.
The way you can talk logically persuades other people.
Although you are not a smooth operator, you can not act negligently; you are a very responsible person.
Although you are a late starter, with experience, you will be able to acquire further insight and self-criticism.
I yem a taiga. Phier meh. Mraowr.
#3. The Stongest in Gensokyo
Selama ini orang-orang (terutama para maniak powerlevel) senang menjagokan tokoh-tokoh tier atas dalam peta 'politik' Gensokyo. Tapi, entah kenapa setelah pelatihan yang baru-baru ini, saya kok jadi punya jagoan baru setelah Flan, Remilia, dan Yukari.
Percaya atau tidak, saya menjagokan Cirno yang masih berani teriak "Atai teba SAIKYOU DA!" di muka tiga karakter yang saya sebut duluan :P
Oh well...
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